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Family And Friends 3 Testing And Evaluation: A Practical Resource for English Language Learning


Recognizing the limitations of second generation risk assessment, research began to develop in the late 1970s and early 1980s on assessment instruments that included dynamic risk factors (Bonta & Wormith, 2007). Criminal history items remained an important feature of the third generation, risk assessment instruments, as they should. However, in addition to items on criminal history and other static items such as past substance abuse there were dynamic items investigating the offender's current and ever changing situation. Questions were asked about present employment (after all, one can lose a job or find a job), criminal friends (one can make new friends and lose old friends), family relationships (supportive or unsupportive), etc. The third generation risk instruments were referred to as "risk-need" instruments and a few of these were also theoretically based (e.g., the Level of Service Inventory-Revised; Andrews & Bonta, 1995).

Family And Friends 3 Testing And Evaluation.pdfl

Criminal behaviour is likely when the rewards and costs for crime outweigh the rewards and costs for prosocial behaviour. Rewards and costs can be delivered by others (e.g., family, friends, teachers, employers and co-workers), they can be produced from within (e.g., feelings of pride and shame) and sometimes they arise automatically from the behaviour itself (e.g., a feeling of relaxation after ingesting a drug or the feeling of excitement when breaking into a house).

This part of GPCSL highlights the importance of learning within the social context of friends, family, school, work and leisure. Assessments of the rewards and costs for criminal and prosocial behaviour within these social contexts along with automatic rewards and costs associated with some behaviours (e.g., drug use) provide a comprehensive survey of criminogenic needs and strengths. An assessment of what is referred to as the "central eight" (Andrews & Bonta, 2006; Andrews at al., 2006) then lays the foundation for effective intervention by directing services to those risk factors linked to criminal behaviour.

  • The law states that caregivers must utilize the Reasonable and Prudent Parent standards when making decisions regarding the activities of the foster youth in their care, which includes considering the following:The child's age, maturity, and developmental level to maintain the overall health and safety of the child;

  • Potential risk factors and the appropriateness of the activity;

  • The best interest of the child based on the caregiver's knowledge of the child;

  • The importance of encouraging the child's emotional and developmental growth;

  • The importance of providing the child with the most family-like living experience possible;

  • The behavioral history of the child and the child's ability to safely participate in the proposed activity;

  • The wishes of birth parents whose rights have not been terminated; and

  • The child's foster care plan.

  • Frequent Issues:Social MediaChildren are permitted to participate in social media as long as permission has been given by caregiver.

  • DrivingCaregiver and Case Worker should:Assist the child in enrolling in a driver's education program;

  • Support the child's efforts to learn to drive a car, obtain learner's permit & driver's license (age, maturity, insurance); and

  • Assist the child in obtaining automobile insurance.

  • Overnight / Planned OutingsThe caregiver shall determine that it is safe & appropriate.

  • Background screenings are not necessary for a child to participate in normal school or community activities and outings such as school field trips, dating, scout camp outs, sleepovers and activities with friends, families, school and church groups.

  • Bank AccountsWhenever it is appropriate, children should be encouraged to open and maintain bank accounts.

  • BabysittingYouth are allowed to babysit consistent with their foster care plan.

  • A babysitting course is recommended.

  • Caregivers can have a babysitter in their home to provide short-term babysitting. When arranging for a babysitter the caregiver shall ensure:Babysitter is suitable for the age, developmental level and behaviors of child;

  • Babysitter understands how to handle emergencies and have appropriate contact information; and

  • Discipline and confidentiality policies for the child have been explained.

  • VacationsCaregivers are encouraged to take children on vacation as they would their own children.

  • Special Considerations:Foster youth with disabilities shall be provided with an equal opportunity to participate in activities.

  • Confidentiality requirements for department records shall not restrict the child's participation in customary activities appropriate for the child's age and developmental level.

  • Consistent with the child's foster care plan, the child shall be given permission/encouragement to:Have opportunities to spend his or her own money

  • Have access to a phone

  • Have reasonable curfews

  • Travel with other youth or adults

  • Have his or her picture taken for publication in a newspaper or yearbook

  • Receive public recognition for accomplishments

  • Participate in school or after-school

Alzheimer's dementia can be diagnosed in several different ways. Often, Alzheimer's is diagnosed through a doctor's exam. They will evaluate your signs and symptoms and do several tests. They may talk to friends and family members to find out more about symptoms and behavior.

Immigration history can shed light on client support systems and identify possible isolation or alienation. Some immigrants who live in ethnic enclaves have many sources of social support and resources. By contrast, others may be isolated, living apart from family, friends, and the support systems extant in their countries of origin. Culturally competent evaluation should always include questions about the client's country of origin, immigration status, length of time in the United States, and connections to his or her country of origin. Ask American-born clients about their parents' country of origin, the language(s) spoken at home, and affiliation with their parents' culture(s). Questions like these give the counselor important clues about the client's degree of acculturation in early life and at present, cultural identity, ties to culture of origin, potential cultural conflicts, and resources. Specific questions should elicit information about:

Genetic testing, neuroimaging, and biomarker testing are recommended for limited clinical uses at this time.(2),(15) These tests are primarily conducted in research settings and may require consultation with the medical provider, a counselor, and the family and caregivers, as there are complex ethical, legal, and social implications that should be considered. 2ff7e9595c

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